Life Insurance

Back to the Future

Presented by Gary Peterson   Following is a concept that can generate life sales into the future.   When you sell a term plan to your clients, prepare them for the next sale by discussing their needs for permanent insurance.  One of our carriers offers Return of Premium on their Universal Life product in addition to a Chronic Illness rider.  Another carrier has the option to make the change from a Universal Life to an Index Universal Life.   The approach would be:
  • Sell the term
  • Prepare clients for conversion to a Universal Life in a few years
  • In 20 years, get refund of premium or exercise the Chronic Illness rider for Living Benefits (if desired)
  • Change the Universal Life to an Index Universal Life to build potential supplemental retirement funds
Call me at 800-397-9999 for more details on these potential solutions for your clients.  Remember, don’t just sell for today!  
Life Insurance


Presented by Brian Leising   When presenting Index Universal Life (IUL), we usually position the product as an either/or decision.  You either place your retirement dollars in an IUL or continue placing them in your 401(k).  When it works, this all or nothing approach is great.  What happens when this approach fails? Do you think some people are afraid to place all their eggs in one basket?  Consider this: don’t ask for all their eggs, just a few.  Here is the second way you can position IUL as a retirement plan supplement: Consider positioning IUL as a resource to tap during down markets.  During retirement, people need a steady income whether the stock market is up or down.  If a client withdraws money from a qualified plan invested in stocks when the market is down, they are selling at a loss.  This has a detrimental effect on their total funds over time.  What if they did not have to sell at a loss? What if they had an alternative fund to draw from in those down years?  Here is an example: The years 1973 through 1993 included five years with stock market losses.  Using this strategy, a client would only need their IUL to cover five years of loans or withdrawals, not all 20.  Since clients pay taxes on withdrawals from qualified plans, not on life insurance loans, the net amount needed from loans is actually lower than their qualified plan withdrawals.  You don’t need to ask for nearly as much money to fund five years of a reduced income need.  It should be much easier to redirect a portion of a client’s retirement contributions than all their contributions. How can these two ideas presenting IUL as a retirement supplement lead to more IUL sales?  1) Prospective clients tend to be more receptive to redirecting or moving some of their money rather than all of it.  This will help you close more sales.  2) Once they see the benefits of having an IUL, clients will ask to place even more money into the contract.  They will even think it was their idea.

2015 Tax Season

Presented by David Corwin   Even though the tax season isn’t quite over for 2014, it’s still a great time to start planning for any tax situations that may arise for your clients.  This year has some changes of course, including tax rate schedules and forty or so other changes.  Adjusted Gross Income tax rates for 2015 are at the top of mind for most taxpayers.  Keep in mind that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will increase many taxes on capital gains, income and other areas including, reducing tax deductions for high income earners and families.  See the new 2015 Tax Guide as a way to properly advise your clients in this year.
Life Insurance

Your Clients ARE Interested in Life Insurance

Presented by Jim Linn   Don’t think life insurance is something your clients are thinking about?  Think again.  Based on statistics from, more than 1/3 of all people are interested in life Insurance but have not taken action due to the lack of knowledge about products or they’re not sure about the amount of coverage they would need.  When you’re visiting with your current clients or prospects, remember to ask them if life Insurance is important to them.  
Long Term Care and Disability Insurance


Presented by Donna Ries   All occupations have a need for income protection, but some occupations may be more difficult to insure with certain carriers for disability insurance than others.  Two occupations in particular, which have a wide interpretation of DI coverage, are Chiropractors and Paramedics or Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT). Chiropractors are viewed differently by DI carriers; some are willing to insure them, others are not and even others offer limited benefits.  The nature of their occupation is considered risky by both claim experience as well as the physical demands of the job.  Having to adjust their clients by lifting, bending and physical contact with their clients is considered a manual profession.   In a worst case scenario, some DI carriers would not even consider insuring a Chiropractor.  There are other DI carriers that would insure up to a two year benefit period and still others that would offer a Chiropractor a five year benefit period.  So when we think this profession might be one to avoid when considering DI protection, take another look and you might just be surprised. There is even more diversity in coverage choices available for a paramedic or EMT.   At worst, one DI carrier would not consider this profession for coverage, yet another DI carrier would consider for short term disability only.  There are also DI carriers that would offer a two year benefit and another carrier all the way out to age 67.  With physical exertion and initial patient contact, yes there is increased risk but still insurable. The point is that Financial Brokerage offers multiple DI carriers and solutions for both of these occupations and many more.  With the diversity between multiple DI carriers, you can count on Financial Brokerage to find which carrier would best meet your client’s needs. Give these occupations some consideration and give your DI Sales Manager at Financial Brokerage a call at 800-397-9999.  I think you will be pleased by the outcome.