Long Term Care and Disability Insurance

Prospecting for Disability Income Protection: Who is Your Target…

Presented by Michelle Daharsh Are you having the conversation with your prospects about disability income protection? Or are you reluctant to bring up the conversation for fear that you may not know the answer. With so many types of clients, of all ages and different incomes and occupations, who do you prospect for first? The easy answer just might be: young couples. Start the conversation about disability income with young couples who have recently bought a home or are starting a family. These life events are the best time for them to begin to build a foundation of financial protection with disability income being a cornerstone of their coverage. So how do you talk to them about need? Individuals in this age group have a lifetime of earning potential remaining and probably haven’t looked at the big picture of what that potential is. Income is their most important asset because their lifestyle and long-term plans depend on it. If faced with an illness or injury that keeps them from working and earning an income it can quickly impact other assets and take years to rebuild. Communicate to them about the value of their ability to earn an income and explain what’s at risk. Most young couples think disability is about getting hurt, not sickness. Explain what’s at risk should they lose their wage earning ability because of an illness or injury. Disability rates are based on occupational risk, their age and current health. Prospects in their 20s and 30s typically are easier to get through underwriting because at this age they are generally in good health with fewer past health issues. There are many flexible ways to create and design full coverage for your client when using disability income products, but they won’t know about their options unless you are willing to start the conversation today!
Life Insurance

High Deductible Survival Plan – Part Three

Presented by Brian Leising In parts one and two, I explained how a basic term life policy with a critical illness provision could help your clients pay their health insurance deductibles in the event of a major illness. In this part, I will introduce methods and tools you can use to market this new term life policy to your existing clients. Since we’re talking about your existing health insurance clients, you already know who your target audience will be and have their contact information. Why not stay in touch with your clients the old fashioned way, through the mail? Better yet, start using an e-mail campaign system. The graphic design team at Financial Brokerage has developed a piece you can use with your clients to drive interest in this concept. We can work with you to have this same piece emailed to your clients on a regular basis. If you are not taking advantage of social media to stay in touch with clients and find new ones, now is a great time to start. Posting helpful advice on your business Facebook page, Linked-in and Twitter accounts costs you absolutely nothing. If you are not familiar with these free online platforms, our Guide to using Social Media can help you get started. All of these resources are available for agents contracted through Financial Brokerage. We can also provide access to the insurance carriers that currently offer critical illness benefits in your state. There is no reason to make your clients wait until they are dead to benefit from their term life insurance policy.