Presented by Gary Peterson
Long term care is exploding with the Baby Boomers coming of age. As an agent, you need to prepare your clients for this reality. There are multiple ways you can help your clients cover the costs involved. Three of those ways are described below.
One option is to use funds that they save over the years. If they are extremely wealthy, this self-funding route may be a good option.
The second option is to purchase Long Term Care insurance. This is better than the first, however, your client may not ever use the insurance and feel as though the money they used to pay premiums was wasted.
A third option is to purchase life insurance or an annuity with a linked benefit or long-term care rider. This may provide living benefits for chronic illnesses and long-term needs, as well as a death benefit to protect their family.
Give me a call at 800-397-9999 to discuss these options in more depth.