Life Insurance

Sales Concept Playbook

Presented by Gary Peterson Agents are always asking the question, “How can I get my clients and prospects interested in buying Life insurance?”  At Financial Brokerage, we have partnered with many carriers to offer sales ideas and concepts for you to use.  Here is an example from North American’s “Sales Concept Playbook”. Legacy Building: Help Maximize Assets Passed to Beneficiaries Leverage is a term that most people have heard but few take advantage of. Life insurance provides an opportunity to use leverage to pass on greater assets to your heirs.  Think of it as buying dollars for pennies. If you have funds available to pass onto your heirs, each of those pennies can buy dollars and, therefore, leave behind a greater financial legacy.  The leverage of life insurance makes this possible.” Questions to ask:  Do you have funds that in your mind are already set aside for passing on to your heirs at your death?”  Are you sure you won’t need these funds in your lifetime?”  Would you like to explore how, using those funds, you could multiply the amount of financial legacy you leave for your loved ones?”  Give us a call at 800-397-9999 and let’s work together to increase your Life Insurance sales.
Life Insurance

Turn Your Clients’ “Lazy Money” Into Life Sales

Presented by Gary Peterson Have you heard about the Smart Money Concept? If you have clients that are planning on leaving assets to their family, or have money set aside for an emergency, this may offer a safe way for them to pursue their goals. Permanent life insurance offers four key benefits:   ·  Income tax-free death benefit to beneficiaries ·  Access to cash value for unexpected or immediate needs ·  Access to the death benefit for living needs ·  Competitive returns on death benefit over life expectancy and/or cash surrender value With the Smart Money program, there are no surrender charges and penalty-free withdrawals (talk to your Life Marketer to ensure your case has the necessary riders for the Smart Money sale). I have attached information for you to review as well as an illustration of the potential this program may offer to your clients. Give me, Gary Peterson, a call at 800-397-9999 to discuss. Smart Money Marketing Guide Smart Money Agent Worksheet Smart Money Tip Sheet Smart Money Valued Client Sample Illustration