Our commitment to simplicity, flexibility and innovation is maintained in our new PAI and HR product designs.
*View LifeSecure’s Product Availability Chart which indicates all states in which the these products are now available. No changes at this time for previously launched states. Additional states will be available soon.
Personal Accident Insurance: What’s New?
- Issue ages expanded from 64 to 74 (In NJ & TN: to age 69) which allows you to write for a larger client base
- Rates by age band eliminated and changed to one set of composite rates for all ages to allow easier quoting
- Key benefit limit windows expanded from 30 to 90 days will result in better overall value to your client
- E-signature allows for online client signature
Hospital Recovery Insurance: What’s New?
- Similar to health products, HR family plans cover dependents until their 26th birthday
- Hospital length of stay coverage increases from 15 to 30 days, providing greater client value
- E-signature allows for online client signature
- Optional plan riders available*** for:
- Emergency Room & Ambulance Benefit
- Major Diagnostic Exams Benefit
- Rehabilitation Facility Benefit
- All rider benefits payout IN ADDITION to the Hospital Daily Benefit Amount of $100-$900
*** Optional plan riders not available in Colorado