Financial Brokerage has partnered with XRAE to provide you with your own underwriting system. XRAE does what no human being can – perfectly evaluate over 100,000 specific underwriting rules based on over 600 potential questions in less than a second to determine the “best case” underwriting classification at each XRAE Partner Carrier. Other features of the XRAE software:
Have every person in your organization regardless of underwriting expertise know the questions carriers would be interested in having answered for every major medical condition. | Determine from XRAE’s Confidence Ranking the carriers most likely to approve the class shown based on the information provided. |
Evaluate substandard cases. | Compare premiums for that client. |
Have every person in your organization regardless of underwriting expertise know the questions carriers would be interested in having answered for every major medical condition. | Save time by not writing dead-end applications or having to re-write with another carrier in the future if a more favorable offer is available. |
Send an email to Financial Brokerage to route to carriers for those more complex situations you come across. | Create a database of your clients for easier quoting in the future. |
Send an email to Financial Brokerage to route to carriers for those more complex situations you come across. | Create a database of your clients for easier quoting in the future. |
Avoid surprises – pick the best carrier the first time around. | Also accessible from your iPhone, Blackberry or other mobile device. |

Andrea Rasser
Vice President
800-397-9999 ext. 6320