The Next Evolution in Sales Management Tools
For all your clients’ Medicare needs.

RX Import
You know you should be offering Medicare Advantage Part D as part of your business. But the tedious tasks involved in running a MA-PD quote make it seem not worth your
time. Good news! The Rx Import service in Lead Advantage Pro helps simplify every quote by letting you help your clients to pull a list of their prescription drugs securely, in just a few easy steps. It’s easier and less stressful for you and your client.Quoting
You have the capability to run instant, multi-product quotes for Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, Part D, final expense, term life and dental. No longer will
you have to go out to multiple sites or request quotes from multiple sources.Forms
With Lead Advantage Pro, you gain access to a robust library of forms. These forms are maintained in the system so as to always be the most up-to-date. Using this feature helps ensure you are always using the current, compliant version.Lead Import
A great feature of this system is the ability to import leads directly into Lead Advantage Pro for followup. Furthermore, you can manage follow-ups with customizable dispositions, appointment calendar, notes, and more. We all know good organization saves time, and nothing organizes the follow-up process like the Lead Advantage Pro platform.Enrollment
Seamlessly transition to online enrollments via carrier portal or our proprietary App by Email® and Agent-Initiated Consumer Online Enrollment (AICOE®) processes.Electronically – Signed Scope of Appointment Forms
Now, there is a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)- approved process to get a signed SOA form electronically. It’s a process that takes mere minutes, putting you at a distinct advantage over other agents who do not have access to such time-saving options. Plus, all completed, signed and dated, SOA forms are saved in Lead Advantage Pro and available in PDF for the agent to provide to any Medicare plan sponsor in connection with enrollment.Agent-Initiated Consumer Online Enrollment and App by Email
An important feature, Lead Advantage Pro has a CMScompliant online enrollment process that lets you sell both Medicare Advantage and Part D plans over the phone or Internet.Provider Look-up and Network Search
Locate healthcare providers by zip code, radius, and/or provider type. In addition, organize data to compare plans with your client by preferred physician, and/or
in-network status.Blue Button
Import your clients’ prescription information, pharmacies and associated providers. Quote and compare plans from top carriers. Pinpoint the right plan based on your clients’ prescriptions and preferred providers.All-Carrier Part D Quoting
Always offer the best PDP plan options by being able to quote all plans available to a particular client based on area.