Understanding Disability Insurance In About A Minute

You depend on your income for everything, the big things like home, car, student loans, medical and retirement. You also depend on it for the little things in life. Like cable, cell phones, fitness and clothing. That income can add up to quite a bit over a person’s working career, that’s a lot of money – we could be talking millions. Have you ever considered what would happen if that income went away? You can protect your income just like you do your car, home, life and health. With coverage that provides income when the unexpected happens and you can’t work because of an accident or sickness. Things like cancer, heart disease or back problems and much more. You can protect your income for about the same cost of a coffee a day, or the cost of your monthly cell phone bill. The asset you rely on everyday needs to be protected so life can go on, protect your income.

Principal Financial – Higher DI Benefit Amounts for Clients

Higher DI Benefit Amounts for Clients Your clients may now qualify for higher benefit amounts1 for Individual Disability Income (DI) insurance (at the same income) with Principal Life Insurance Company. Available on new Individual DI insurance policies, we have increased benefits at nearly every income level.  
Here’s an example of how the new benefit tables could impact your client:
Annual Income Current DI Benefit NEW DI Benefit Difference in Coverage
 $200,000 $9,150/month $9,515/month $365/month or $4,380 annually more coverage (enough for car payments, dining out, groceries, etc.)
  It’s a win for both you and clients: * Clients protect more of their income. * You sell more premium which means additional compensation. Check out Principal Life’s Income Replacement Tables for details.
1 All current underwriting guidelines and product issue and participation limits apply.