Life Insurance

Are you working with Matures, Boomers, Gen X or…

Presented by Jim Linn Depending on your business, you could work with some, all or one of them specifically.  Today, your clients are not a one size fits all selling process.  What works for one, may not work for the others.  Knowing about the market you are working in and the selling tactics related to that market can help you produce more favorable results.  To give you an example:  Who has a teenage child (part of the youngest Millennial generation)?  Have you ever tried calling them only to get their voice mail or the recording that they don’t have their voice mail setup?  However, you text them and get an instant response.  Knowing their preferred method of contact will greatly increase your odds of securing an appointment.  There are countless studies that have been completed on generational sales and marketing.  I had the opportunity to listen to a presenter that has worked in this area for 18 years and provided valuable insight.  Click on the link below for information and videos relating to Generational Marketing