Life Insurance

IRA to IUL Conversion

IRA to IUL Conversion
Converting retirement funds from tax-deferred to tax-free status isn’t new. Over the past decade, more and more Americans – helped by financial advisors- have realized that deferring taxes may not be in their best financial interest. In the past, Traditional IRAs were converted to tax-free Roth IRAs. Today, funds from IRAs are being placed in Index Universal Life policies.

So who might benefit from this strategy? Is it a good fit for all of your clients? At Financial Brokerage, we have a pdf available that explains all. It takes you and your clients through six steps you want to consider in order to determine if this approach is the right one for your client, and how to best execute the strategy.
Life Insurance

Is there client risk in a GUL?

Is there client risk in a GUL?
Nearly 20 years ago, the insurance industry responded to consumer problems with old fashioned universal life contracts by creating the no-lapse guarantee UL. Rather than a policy based on the concept of maintaining cash value in the contract, a no-lapse UL gives the client another method to keep their policy in force. If the client pays their premium every time, on time, takes no loans and no withdrawals, the policy will always remain in force. It does not need to have cash value. This has been by far the most popular UL we’ve seen at Financial Brokerage over that time period. It’s about a third the cost of a traditional whole life product but still has the same coverage and premium guarantees.

So, what risk is there for the client? If a client is going to maintain this contract for a few decades, what are the chances of them missing a premium somewhere along the way? If that happens they void their guarantee.

What can we do about this? Take a couple minutes to learn what you can do to save your client’s contract and save your bacon as well.
Life Insurance

Score a Triple Double with IUL

Score a Triple Double with IUL
What if your clients could withdraw triple the amount of money they placed into their retirement plan, for double the number of years? Better yet, what if they could do that with absolutely no downside market risk and no taxes? Well, they can, and you can help them do it. Learn how indexed universal life insurance can help your clients score a triple double in just two minutes!
Life Insurance

Unlock the power of Indexed Universal Life so you…

Unlock the power of Indexed Universal Life so you can transform your business.
With Stonewood software and turn-key marketing programs, you get access to proven IUL sales stories and the tools to close business with them.

Seminars and meeting scripts for prospecting. Brochures and handouts for client meetings. Customized IUL proposals to close business. Our software and programs take you from “nice to meet you” to “nice doing business with you.”
Sales Ideas

Sales Idea – Ready To Increase Your Insurance Agency…

Ready To Increase Your Insurance Agency Profits?
If your office is like most insurance agencies, you are extremely busy. You sell life insurance if clients ask but you really don’t have time to pursue new sales. Maybe you don’t feel you possess the necessary expertise to do all these things. Does this sound like you?

By running your practice this way, you are missing out on revenue. Your book of business is exposed to other agencies who are engaging their clients in meaningful life insurance conversations. Fortunately, there is no reason YOU can’t run your agency the same way and realize those same profits from another product line.

How much money are you missing?

You can find out for yourself in just a few minutes. Watch the video then contact me at Financial Brokerage for the revenue calculator you can use today!